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  • How to become a media buyer: from 0 to the first payment

    In this article, we'll talk about the basics of media buying using the dating vertical as an example. Dating constantly develops and enters the top verticals on merit because people's desire to communicate, date and have a relationship is always relevant.
  • High conversion of dating: how to make cool creatives? Here is the tutorial of Affmy team

    High conversion of dating: how to make cool creatives? Here is the tutorial of Affmy team Hey! Many media buyers are faced with a lack of ideas for creatives: There are the same creatives on the market and the new ones bring quick results not always. It’s important to remember one thing: creatives always succeed. So how to make an efficient creative for dating?  The success of an ad campaign mainly depends on choosing creatives. Let’s take a look at the most successful options for finding them.
  • Why do you need a tracker for traffic media buying? We will analyze how it works using the example of Keitaro

    Hey everyone! Seeking big money, freshers get all kinds of utilities very often without understanding how to use them. Before you dive into media buying up to the hilt, you need to study out what are the services for your work and how to use them. Now we will have a look at such an instrument as a tracker.
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