High conversion of dating: how to make cool creatives? Here is the tutorial of Affmy team
High conversion of dating: how to make cool creatives? Here is the tutorial of Affmy team Hey! Many media buyers are faced with a lack of ideas for creatives: There are the same creatives on the market and the new ones bring quick results not always. It’s important to remember one thing: creatives always succeed. So how to make an efficient creative for dating?  The success of an ad campaign mainly depends on choosing creatives. Let’s take a look at the most successful options for finding them.

High conversion of dating: how to make cool creatives? Here is the tutorial of Affmy team

High conversion of dating: how to make cool creatives? Here is the tutorial of Affmy team
Hey! Many media buyers are faced with a lack of ideas for creatives: There are the same creatives on the market and the new ones bring quick results not always. It’s important to remember one thing: creatives always succeed. So how to make an efficient creative for dating? 
The success of an ad campaign mainly depends on choosing creatives. Let’s take a look at the most successful options for finding them.


What do creatives for push notification consist of?

Creatives are launched for various ad formats, today we will review what a push notification looks like, as this format is used by media buyers most often.
A classical push notification consists of a square icon and a rectangular main image, pictures may be similar or different. Two texts are also used: a title - up to 30 characters and the main text up to 45 characters.
We usually put a name and an age in the title, and a message imitation in the main text zone for dating creatives. The main task of a creative is to make the appearance of a real message of a social network, to do so, an image, similar to a popular social media logo, can be used, and a photo of an attractive girl is used as the main image. 



Use spy-services

Spy-service is the most important tool of a media buyer, which can “spy" on rivals, monitor and analyze advertisements on networks, they save your time and budget, showing ready-made work. This is a simple and efficient way to search for ideas for dating ads. 
Every spy-service has a classificator of click amount: we chose it and set 1-1,5 month. We have a list of creatives, used in our campaigns. It’s not necessary to do it as like as two peas: you can improve and adapt ideas to your case for most relevance.
Sometimes you can find information in the link, concerning what network and bid a rival uses, and it can be very useful when you launch a campaign.

Dating ads from SpyPush spy-service:


На втором креативе посмотрим связку. Для этого перейдем в него и скопируем ссылку, расположенную справа в списке:



The link: https://timeone.pro/click.php?key=wbjj2uo0hj65cegxmc6r&feed=feed1336&price=0.0054&creative=145222&ip=
From this link, we can see the price, which is most likely used by your rival (sometimes media buyers change the price in the link initially but it happens not really often).
It is necessary to understand that not all creatives can show a good result with your cases and offers, that’s why you should ALWAYS check where your rivals drive traffic to.

Popular push spy-services:


Use manual search

Some media buyers protect their ad campaigns from spy-services, that’s why you won’t be able to see them among your rivals. In such cases, you can use a manual search. 
Switch on VPN, go to the sites with your ads and find the ads of your rivals in the dating vertical. If you drive traffic to a teaser or banner network, this case is the fastest and easiest, and if to push one, first you should find some sites, where your ad network buys them, after that open these sites and sign for push notifications.

P.S. In general, you can get ideas and text for push notifications from banner and teaser networks


History —repeats itself

You can sort creatives by click quantity, but set the time period, e. g. half a year ago in spy-services.  We take the list of creatives, which do not bring results for a long time, take ideas, change GEOs and offers to the necessary ones, add your own converting features - and here we are, the ready-made product.



People who work in a team can try «brainstorming». Everyone suggests ideas, and as a result, there appear a number of variants, which can bring good conversion, if you improve them.
The usage of this method supposes a good understanding of your target audience and how to make your creatives from scratch. You need to determine what is the age of your audience, what types of girls can be interesting for them, and what requests. It is important to understand what nationality and race are more attractive for your audience, and what photo to use on this basis.


Services for creative making

There are plenty of free and paid graphics editors. 
Here are some free ones:

  • GIMP;
  • Canva (some functions are not free);
  • InShot (photo and video editing).


The paid photo and video editors:

Some important details


1) Make unique creatives

Even though you use creatives from a spy-service, change it a bit: play with brightness/ contrast, flip it, add smiles or an exclamation mark to your text. When you use an ad that has already been in the system, it may have no traffic at all due to the algorithms. 
A lifehack: search for creatives not only for your GEOs but relevant too, it will help to increase the choice and chances for success. And use words in different languages, paraphrasing when you use a search engine, it will give you a chance to find something new and original. 


2) Check the relevance

Imagine that a girl writes to you: a young blonde on a photo, a brunette on the prelanding page, a ginger milf on the offer. It doesn’t look very natural, does it? :) It is called a lack of relevance.
It is important to save the whole flow to increase conversion probability. We choose a girl for a creative, which looks similar to the one we used in the offer, the text in your creative and the information in the offer should be connected. So this way you will get high relevance, and CR accordingly (conversion rate, conversion ratio). 


3) Use photos of real people

Touched-up photos are less trustworthy than photos of real people, especially in dating.


4) Adapt creatives to the chosen GEO

Be attentive to the traditions and preferences of your target audience. You need to understand that the same creative does not always suit different countries: look for similar pictures but with other girls. It is obvious but still: use the language your target audience speaks.


5) Fight with «Banner blindness»

Many people no longer notice ads, that’s why the main task of the media buyers is to attract the attention of the user by all means. Making creatives is a creative process: use provoking phrases and bright visual effects.
Here is an example of provoking ad:


When you search for a creative, choose the one that «catches your eye». Forget that you are a media buyer, turn off the thoughts and scroll pictures: use the one that catches your eye. It is important to arouse a desire to click on the ad and make a targeted action.
To detect your target audience better, you can create an account on a dating site (or in an application), pretending that you are a woman, and speak to the audience. This way you can better understand the needs and desires of your audience, gather statistics on interests, and be able to rely on this information when making your creatives. 


6) Don’t forget the true aim — conversion 

Many freshers make a unique, attractive ad, but forget the main thing: when users click on them, they should be interested in making the target action. For example, to want:

  1. leave the e-mail;
  2. confirm the e-mail;
  3. leave the card information;
  4. to make a purchase and others.


CR is more important CTR (click-through rate, or the ratio of users who click on a specific link)! If an ad has low CTR but consistently brings you conversions, there is no need to turn it off even if you use CPC (cost per click) in a teaser network. Remember that it is important to make money on getting leads and not to get a lot of traffic. That’s why test as many creatives as you can, leave the ones that got the highest CTR or CR, and make a profit.


7) Test, test and test again!

You should not spend a week's budget for a creative, hoping that it will convert. Launch 3-5 ads, monitor the ones that work better, switch off the rest.
Recommended rules for turning off creatives:

  • If there are no conversions, you should wait for -2 of lead price and then stop it.
  • If it converts, you should test it until the sum equals -3 of the lead price.


Instead of conclusions

The right approach in creatives making can help you to save a lot of money and to increase profit. Use the offered recommendations and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.


What is important to remember?

  • Get inspired by your rivals. Especially freshers should monitor spy-services and stats to form some visual experience. After that, you can make super creatives.
  • Always check the relevance. Make sure that the picture and the text correspond to the things on the offer, this can multiply the CR.
  • Test various approaches. There is no need to choose one idea and to keep believing in it, when it hasn't brought the results for a long time. Create new things, rewrite old ones (even color change of a text or a frame can bring you better results).



You have no inspiration, and the creatives you use don’t convert, do they? Especially for you Affmy team has prepared a list of texts, which you can use in push notifications! A title is up to 30 characters, a text is up to 45 characters.

  1. Are you alone now? Look what I have for you!
  2. Hi! Are you tired? Let me tell you how I'll relax you
  3. Bella19. Hi i am Bella send me message


You can ask our managers to provide you with more text examples and ready-made creatives.
Thank you for your interest. Use our advice and increase your profit. We wish you converting creatives and profitable offers! 
If you need to select an offer and help with choosing creatives, contact our managers, they will gladly help you!

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